Student Computer Recommendations

Do I need a computer?

Most engineering students find having a personal computer convenient, but there is no requirement for one. If you do not have your own computer, there are plenty of computer labs available to use on campus or in the Driftmier engineering building.

Will I be doing a lot of schoolwork on a personal computer?

Yes. Expect to use some sort of computer technology in every academic course you take. You will likely use a computer to type papers, complete assignments, attend Zoom meetings, research using websites, and to communicate with peers and professors.

What computing facilities are available on campus?

The College of Engineering maintains Windows computers loaded with general and engineering specific software in the Driftmier engineering building as well as virtually through MyLAB. Other computer labs are located at the UGA Science Library and UGA vLab.

If I purchase a new computer, should I get Mac, Windows?

The choice of an operating system should primarily be determined by your personal preference. Most common software packages are generally available on all platforms, but for those that are not, the College of Engineering offers fully equipped computer labs.

Laptop, tablet, or desktop?

Most engineering students will be best served selecting a high-end laptop or tablet given their portability and the demand on resources that engineering apps require. Laptops are the most common and recommended choice but if selecting a tablet the high end options similar to a Microsoft Surface can work well. Please note that a standard tablet such as an iPad will not replace all of the needed computer functions and should only be used as an additional resource.

Desktops generally have higher performance than comparably priced laptops. If you plan to use your computer mostly in the dorm or at home then desktops can be a less expensive option.

Laptop/tablet features?

Engineering applications can be very demanding on computer resources which is why higher-end laptops and tablets typically are recommended. Typically these laptops and tablets should include a variety of input options such as keyboards, touch screens, and pen capability. In addition, almost all are equipped with high resolution cameras and noise-cancelling microphones.

Screen size and battery life are important but are personal preference. Larger display sizes reduce portability while increasing usability; similarly, battery life will dictate use.

What software will I need?

Many courses will require word processing and spreadsheet software. Microsoft Office 365 is available to UGA students at no cost.

Google Workspace is also available to UGA students at no cost.

Some engineering applications such as AutoCAD and MatLab are available to students as no cost via the instructions found here.

What are the recommended computer specifications?

Mac Recommendation: Apple MacBook Pro

Processor8-Core M3 CPU
Memory16GB or more Unified Memory
Storage512GB or more SSD
GPU10-Core GPU

Windows Recommendation:

ProcessorIntel Core i7, Ultra 5, or Ultra 7 CPU;
Memory32GB Memory
Storage512GB or more SSD
GPURecommended: 8GB+ GPU

How do I get computer help?

For hardware issues, we recommend you keep your machine under warranty, unless you have knowledge to do your own maintenance. Laptops especially can be difficult to get repaired in a timely manner.

For software issues, OIT has information on our website. For assistance fill out this form or visit our help desk located in Driftmier Engineering Center – Room 1360.