The College of Engineering will no longer have a license and therefore access to ArcGIS 10.x (including ArcMap 8.x) after June 15, 2024. Instead, we will transition to ArcGIS Online, the web-based version, and ArcGIS Pro, the locally installed alternative to ArcGIS 10.x.
Below are instructions on:
- how to create an ArcGIS Online account (using your UGA MyID as the log on credentials)
- how to download, install, and license a copy of ArcGIS Pro to your computer (NOTE: before you can download a copy of ArcGIS Pro, you must first create an ArcGIS Online account).
1. Creating an ArcGIS Online account
You can create an ArcGIS Online account by going to
- Once there, click Sign In in the top right corner
- Click on the MyID login button (see screenshot below).

This login action will create an ArcGIS Online account, fully provisioned for ArcGIS Pro and all extensions. You are now ready to use the web-based version of ArcGIS Online.
2. Downloading, installing, and licensing ArcGIS Pro on your computer.
You must install this driver before installing ArcGIS Pro:
If you would like to install a copy of ArcGIS Pro on to your computer, from the ArcGIS website (, you can download the software by clicking on your Username (top right corner) -> My Settings -> Licenses. Towards the bottom of the window, on the right-hand side, you’ll see the ArcGIS Pro executable “Download ArcGIS Pro” (see screenshot below). Click it, and follow the instructions to download and install a copy of ArcGIS Pro on to your computer.

Go through the installation procedures. Upon ArcGIS Pro startup, click Configure Licensing on the splash screen (see screenshot below).

- Set License Type to Named User License
- Set ArcGIS Online URL to
- Click OK

NOTE: With a Named User license (the default), you can use ArcGIS Pro on up to three computers at the same time.
You now have a working installation of ArcGIS Pro on your computer.
- If, during the licensing portion of the install, you get a message stating ‘ArcGIS Pro licensing configuration settings are locked. Please contact your organization’s administrator‘, perform the following Registry edit:
- Open Regedit
- Go to HKLM\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Licensing
- On LOCK_AUTH_SETTINGS, change the Value data setting from True to False
- Close Regedit, restart the computer, and try the licensing configuration above again.