The College of Engineering is pleased to offer MyLAB to our students. It provides you access to all Engineering XenApp Applications as well as My Engineering Data from any high-speed internet connection. When using MyLab your session remains open for 30 minutes. This means you can disconnect from the current MyLab session you are in, and you will have 30 minutes to log back into MyLab to continue your session. After 30 minutes of disconnection from MyLab, your session will end and all data not saved to a network drive or USB device will be deleted.
HTML5 Web Browser Access
- Go to
- Click on the Computer icon
- Login using your MyID and MyIS password, and authenticate on Archpass through Duo as prompted
- To open an App:
- Select the Apps tab at the top
- Next click on the application you want to use (Click on FireFox Browser for video)
- Click on the icon to open the app
- To sign off, click on the Citrix Receiver tab at the top of the page, then click the icon with three dots, then click log off from the drop down menu.
- To open a desktop:
- Select the DESKTOPS tab at the top
- Select Virtual Windows Lab
- Click on the Start button of the WVL window
- Select ANSYS / ANSYS AIM 19.2 (for video purposes, only available on desktop)
- Close all by signing out and closing MyLAB tab
Workspace App Setup
- Download the Workspace app from Citrix
- Install the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe you just downloaded
- Enable SSO
- Click Add Account
- Enter
- Restart computer
How to Upload and Download Files on MyLAB
It is recommended to save MyLAB to your Z: drive, as this can be access from ENGR classroom computers as well.
Uploading/Downloading on HTML5 Access
To upload a file to your Z: drive:
- Click the Citrix tab at the top of the screen
- Click Upload (Icon with arrow pointing down from cloud)
- Select the file you would like to upload and click Open
- Click “This PC” from the Upload window
- Select your Z: drive from the list and click OK
To upload a file from your Z: drive:
- Click the Citrix tab at the top of the screen
- Click Download (Icon with arrow pointing down from cloud)
- Click “This PC” and select your Z: drive from the list under Network Locations
- Select the file you would like to download and click Open
- This file will be saved to your computer’s Downloads folder
Uploading/Downloading on the Workspace App
The process is different from the process for the HTML5 access, rather than manually uploading or downloading files, you will simply need to enable File Access on the Workspace app.
To enable File Access:
- Open the Windows Virtual Lab from the Desktop tab
- Click the tab at the top of the screen
- Click Preferences
- From the File Access tab, select “Read and Write” to allow full file access to your local computer
After completing these instructions, you will now be able to access your computer’s hard drive and any attached devices such as flash drives. They will show up under “This PC” and will be available to save to and open form under any apps.
MyLab with IPads
- You will need to be either on the UGA wifi or connected to the VPN using Cisco AnyConnect.
- Open AnyConnect on your ipad.
- Click on the ‘Connections’ tab and add VPN connection.
- Enter the server address, ‘’ and save it.
- If you get the notification, ‘AnyConnect would like to add VPN configuration’ you will need to click allow.
- Turn on AnyConnect VPN.
- You will need to sign in with your MyID username and password to finish connecting to the VPN.
- For the second password you can insert: a duo password, ‘push’ for push notification, ‘sms’ for a password received via text, or ‘phone’ to receive a phone call.
- Now you have finished connecting to the VPN and can open MyLab.
- Open workspace.
- Enter your URL and click sign in.
- To open an app click on the plus icon and search, or select the app you wish to open.
- Then click on the app icon.